Sunday, September 9, 2007

Welcome Alacati Blog

Home of The Wind


Immediately adjacent to Çeşme, Alaçatı is a bohemian refuge, and the number-one choice of surfers.

“ If these mountains have a rival, it’s the wind; here the wind rules supreme,” says Sabahattin Ali (1907-1948) in his poem ‘Wind’. Convinced that it could wash away all human anger and greed, the great poet believed only in the wind. When a person believes only in the wind, its magical power enables him to elude the past and contemplate the future with hope. And Alaçatı is a chosen spot where the wind becomes an anonymous sough, caressing the skin of everyone without distinction. Alaçatı, home of the wind, miniature paradise where the wind vies with the gods, becoming synonymous with them.Known in Greek mythology as the home of the wind god, Alaçatı is a haven of tranquility for ordinary folk fleeing not only Izmir but Bodrum as well. Thanks to the quaintly decorated, bohemian venues that have opened in the last few years, it is also a lively meeting place where holidaymakers adept at turning recreation into an aesthetic experience will feel right at home. Not to mention the surfing buffs. The town center is a monument of perfection where history meets aesthetics through the touch of modern architecture, while the shore is a must-stop for those who want to dance with the wind and the wave-tossed sea. One of the world’s seven most outstanding coastlines from the standpoint of surfers, Alaçatı, with its architecture, windmills, local handicrafts, boutique hotels, virgin beaches and easy accessibility, not to mention its fascinating geography, puts nearby Çeşme in the shade.

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